As of: April 2024

§ 1 Principle

1. These contribution regulations are not part of the association's statutes.

2. It regulates members' contributions and fees.

3. It can only be changed by resolution of the general meeting of the association.

4. If you leave the club, there will generally be no refund of contributions paid.

5. Participation in the general and competitive sports education and training program requires active membership.

6. It is possible at any time to take a look at the club without any costs or obligations before deciding on membership and to take advantage of all the offers and free training.

7. Before joining the club, anyone interested is allowed to train on a trial basis.

8. Members' data will be processed and stored in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and the Federal Data Protection Act (BDSG).

§ 2 Resolutions

1. Club members, with the exception of honorary members, pay a membership fee for each calendar year in which they are members (the decisive factor is the start of the financial year on January 1st).
See Section 6 Paragraphs 1 and 2 of the association's statutes.

2. When determining the basic contribution, a distinction is made between:

Active members, 
who use the club's premises or rooms organized by the club for their free training and/or take part in guided exercise groups


Supporting / Passive Members,
who do not actively practice popular sports in the club.

3. Members who have not yet reached the age of 18 at the beginning of the financial year (January 1st) are considered young people.
Pupils, trainees and students up to the age of 27 pay a reduced membership fee for each calendar year in which they are members, provided they present their status to the board without being asked to do so by submitting a certificate each year before the start of the financial year.

§ 3 Contributions

Contribution classMembership formContribution amount
per year in EUR
01Children/young people up to 18 years old21.00
02Adults (from the age of 19)33.00
03Honorary membersfree of charge
04Young adults in training, in the BFD or FSJ, students (up to the age of 27)26.00
05Family contribution 
(including all children up to 18 years old living in the household)
(including all young adults living in the household
in training, in the BFD or FSJ, students up to the age of 27)
07Supporting / Passive MembersPlus 5.00
08Children/young people up to 18 years old (BOULE)15.00
09Adults (from the age of 19) (BOULE)25.00
10Family contribution 
(including all children up to 18 years old living in the household)
(including all young adults living in the household
in training, in the BFD or FSJ, students up to the age of 27) (BOULE)

1. The membership status existing on the due date (see §6, paragraph 1) is decisive for the amount of the contribution.

2. Reduced forms of contributions in contribution classes 04 - 07 must be applied for and the justification must be proven with appropriate documents. The board decides on the classification within the framework of the contributions specified by the general meeting.

3. Changes to personal information must be reported immediately, especially when claiming contribution classes 04 - 07.

4. The membership fee includes the contributions for the Württemberg Football Association (WFV), the Württemberg Tennis Association, both professional associations in the Württemberg State Sports Association (WLSB), the sports insurance of the State Sports Association WLSB, the administrative trade association and GEMA in the amount of the rates set by the WLSB.

5. Membership contributions, fees and levies are collected using the SEPA core direct debit system. When joining the association, the member must undertake to issue a SEPA direct debit mandate and to ensure that the account drawn from the account has sufficient funds. We collect the membership fee annually on February 1st, stating our creditor ID and the mandate reference (internal association membership number). If this does not fall on a banking day, the collection will take place on the immediately following banking day.

6. The members are obliged to notify the board of directors/treasurer in writing without being asked and immediately.

7. If a direct debit is culpably not honored by the member or is revoked by the account holder, a return direct debit fee of EUR 15 will be charged. Reminders will be charged a fee of EUR 6 per reminder (in addition to the applicable bank fee).

8. Members who have not yet taken part in the debit process must pay their contributions by January 31st at the latest. every year into the association's contribution account. An additional processing fee of EUR 6 must be paid for this.

9. If you join the club in the current calendar year and month, the contribution rate will be calculated on the 1st of the following month. If you join the club after June 30th. 50% of the contribution rate is calculated.

10. If a general sales tax obligation is introduced for clubs, the above-mentioned contributions will increase as follows: at 7% VAT, no contribution adjustment; at 19% VAT. there is an increase of 12%. The adjustment takes place when tax liability is introduced.

11. Departments can charge separate department contributions to cover additional expenses upon resolution of the department meeting and with the approval of the entire board. Members must be informed of this when they join the department. (see Appendix 1, membership and department fees)

§ 4 Fees / Miscellaneous

OccasionOne-time fees
Members who do not participate in the direct debit system6.00
Return direct debit (in addition to the applicable bank fee)6.00
Per hour not worked12.00
Rent clubhouseupon request

1. Separate fees may be charged for additional sports offerings (sports courses, rehabilitation programs, etc.), which must be determined in detail.

2. Contributions, fees and levies are collected through data processing (EDP). Members' personal data is stored in accordance with the Federal Data Protection Act.

§ 5 Labor service

1. All members after the age of 16 are obliged to work four hours of work per year for the association (or parents for their children under 16 years of age with a maximum of 8 hours per family). Departments may impose separate regulations on labor service upon resolution of the department meeting and with the approval of the full board. (see Appendix 1, membership and department fees) Members must be informed of this when they join the department.

2. There is no obligation to work for honorary members, supporting members and members who have reached the age of 70.

3. If a member does not fulfill his obligation or does not fulfill it completely, compensation must be paid to the association for each hour not completed. (see §4, fees/other)

4. Each member is responsible for providing proof of the hours worked. The proof is only valid in writing and must be presented to the board by December 31st of the current year.

5. Members have the option of fulfilling their obligation for general sports facility maintenance (mowing lawns, preparing tennis courts, etc.), at events (annual celebrations, club appearances, other events, etc.) or through contributions in kind such as cakes, salads.

6. The amount to be paid will be debited separately on February 15th of the new calendar year/fiscal year.
7. The amounts in this account are earmarked and serve the operation of the association.

§ 6 Club account

Bank details:
Kreissparkasse Ostalb bank code 614 500 50
Account number: 805 157 354
IBAN: DE30 6145 0050 0805 1573 54

§ 7 Transitional provision

These membership fee regulations of the association were presented and decided at the general meeting on April 5th, 2024.
The contribution regulations come into force on April 5, 2024.

§ 8 Final provisions

Changes to these contribution regulations are made by resolution with a simple majority of the general meeting.

Leinzell, April 2024

Andreas Baumgärtner, Head of Business Division, TSV Leinzell 1900 e.V.
Siegfried Friedrich, “Finance” division manager, TSV Leinzell 1900 e.V.
Andreas Kugler, “Sport” division manager, TSV Leinzell 1900 e.V.
Tobias Mozer, Head of “Public Relations”, TSV Leinzell 1900 e.V.